Wednesday, May 11, 2016


As many of you are probably aware, my publisher, Booktrope, is closing its doors for good on May 31st. My book, Finding Me (book 1), just released in March and will be pulled from the shelves and my rights given back. Enlighten Me, book 2 in the series, was nearly ready to publish. Book 3 was in the first round of edits.


I won’t lie, starting over sucks. Like really, really sucks. But you won’t find this girl crying in a corner. Nope. Was I angry at first? Yes. Was I confused about what to do? Yes. I went through a plethora of emotions initially. Then I kicked myself in the behind (yeah, it’s hard to do) and put on my big girl undies. Time to show the world what I’m made of. I can do this.

So, no, this post isn’t about bashing my former publisher. It isn’t about bashing small presses. It isn’t even about relaying what most of you probably already knew.

It’s about confirming that while I might have been set back a few paces, I’m still in the race. And it’s about letting the world (or just my awesome followers for now) know, I’m that girl. I’ve got this. I can do this.

And do this I shall.

Story to be continued very soon… 

Have a great day. Read a book and laugh!


  1. I am so sorry! Such a sad, sad day. You've got this though. You're going to find the best avenue to get your work back out there and you're going to kick trash!

    1. Thanks so much, Crystal. Yes, I've got this *flexes muscles then runs for cover* LOL

  2. I heard about Booktrope closing. You are very right, though. This isn't the end. You will pick yourself back up and push forward. I had to take back rights from one of my publishers (for reasons I won't get into) and essentially start over. It was a very emotional time and it really sucked, but I'm happy to say my books are back out in the world now. Everything happens for a reason and I can't say I'm not happier now. I'm hoping the same will be true for you.

    1. Thanks, Kelly. I'm staying positive through this.

  3. You have such a terrific attitude about this. No matter what you decide to do moving forward, I know that there are bigger and brighter things ahead for you. Keep pushing!


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