Saturday, October 29, 2016


I've been doing a lot of thinking about my current WIP. Thinking about how I would like to publish it. Do I really want to go the route of self-publishing again. I could look for another publisher. But what if they fold like my last one? The questions are endless.

So, for the first time in a long time, I'm thinking about re-entering the slush pile. I literally just heard someone groan. Or maybe that was me. Yeah, it's not the nicest of thoughts I've had regarding this book. But its probably one I've been entertaining the most these days. It's not a terrible thing to get an agent and work with a publisher. Nope. Not at all. It's the sting of rejection that I'm not looking forward to.

Why would I give up the creative freedom I have as an Indie author? Why would I want the tense restrictions that come with this type of publication? Will I be okay with not publishing for two or more years? The questions are truly endless but the answer is simple. I'm struggling doing it alone.

Okay, so to be fair, I didn't exactly do it on my own. I had a cover designer - who I had to pay. I had an editor - who I still have to pay. I have marketing expenses that I have to pay for... I think it's sinking in now. Right? It was all too much. With very little in return. I. Need. Help.

So, I'm at the point where I'm seriously considering the slush pile. If I find an agent, I might land a big publisher. I know it's a long shot. If it doesn't pan out, I'll self publish the book. No harm, no foul.

See the thing is, I really love this book. This is the first book I ever wrote. I let it sit for years and worked on other things. But these characters are with me. I love their story. It deserves more recognition than my pocket book and time will allow.

So, yeah, I have a few agents I'm going to query. What are they looking for: the first 10 pages.

My next post will discuss what I've done to whip my 10 pages (and entire novel) into shape. I better get to it.

Have a great day! Read a book and laugh.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Study, Study, Study, and then Study More

I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about today. Until I started writing. And thinking. It’s been a while since I updated the blog but I’ve been keeping busy. And that’s what I’m going to talk about.

I’m in the throes of some heavy editing. The story is a YA sci-fi and there’s a ton of romance. Honestly, I cringe when I write romance. It’s hard for me. I always think it sounds cheesy. So how do I combat the uneasy feeling that creeps across me whenever I have to write a kissing scene? I study. A lot.

I scour the Internet for hours on end looking for information about my current lovey dovey topic. Yeah, right. I don’t have time to do that. And if your schedule is like mine, you don’t either. So what do I do?
I use Pinterest.

There are literally thousands of articles on Pinterest about the craft of writing. But it’s not just ‘this is how you write your book.’ Nope. There’s some extremely detailed articles. Here’s just a sampling of some of the things I’ve researched and found multiple articles on:

  • How to make the reader cry?  --- Yes, I want my readers to bawl when one of my MC’s die
  • How to write for the YA audience?  -- Uh, because I write YA.
  • Writing the first kiss? ---in a YA story this is uber important (in most stories, actually)
  • How to revise like a pro?  ---- I took my current WIP from past tense to present. I. Wanted. To. Die. Never again… unless I absolutely have to.
  • How to structure scenes? ---- Of course, because everything has to flow. Right?

It is so important to continue to learn your craft and then evolve. Never lose the thirst for knowledge. There is always room for improvement... {insert another inspirational quote here}

What’s your go to site for writer related information? If you don’t already follow me, you should be. I’m pinning away as Dawn Brazil. Follow me. 

Have a great day. Read a book and laugh!