As I revise
my current Work in Progress, I’m paying close attention to the first ten pages. Why? Most agents
I’ve looked up want to see the first ten pages – some want more. There’s one big
agent I have my heart set on – she wants ten. The drafting process isn't hard for me. I'm not a complete pantser. I outline every story beforehand but I deviate from the outline as I go.
Revising and editing, however, is hard for me. As it probably is for every writer that is willing to put in the work to craft a story that is worth 6 hours (or more) of your reader's time.
What am I
doing to ensure those first pages are written as tight and clean as possible?
What am I doing to ensure there is enough in these pages to keep her reading?
What am I doing to ensure she feels that all-important connection to my main
Here’s a
list things I’ve done to improve my manuscript with the above key elements in
Start with a hook – a hook doesn’t have to be gimmicky.
It has to draw the reader in. It has to make a statement that this story is
worth reading. It has to make the reader want to read on. It has to make them
ask a question – Why did that happen? How did that happen? When did that
happen? What just happened? If you can do that, you’ve hooked the reader.
Introduce your main character- in the first ten pages your reader
should have an understanding of who your MC is. They might not know everything
there is about the character (they should NOT
know everything about the character at this point. It’s too soon) but they
should have a sense of who this person is and whether they like them or can
root for them in the story. – A quick aside – The reader does not
have to like your main character but they do have to root for the main
character. If they are unable to root for them to win, there is no investment
in the story. They won’t care if you have Samantha get hit by an Ice Cream
truck and lose both her legs while crossing the street. They’ll shrug at best
and at worst, they’ll put your book down.
Present a problem – if you haven’t hinted at some type
of drama in the first ten pages, I won’t keep reading. I need to know that
something is going to happen to this person that I really like and I want to
see how this person solves/or comes through it. You don’t have to present every
issue in the first ten pages though. But you must show the reader that not all
is perfect in the MC’s world.
Show, Don’t tell – I know this piece of advice is
everywhere. But it is the absolute truth. Nothing pulls me out of a story
quicker than the author talking to me. Let the characters move the story
forward with dialogue. There’s going to be times when you have to tell and not
show but choose those instances wisely. Engage the five senses in your scenes
to help with the showing.
No info dumping - There shouldn’t be huge chunks of prose
about what happened before the story started. Or don’t try to explain who a
character is through giant clumps of exposition. Weave the backstory into the
manuscript organically – through dialogue, or character action. I know this can
be difficult, especially for fantasy and science fiction writers, because you
have to build worlds and explain how those worlds work. I know. I write Young
Adult science fiction and fantasy. If I can do it, you can to.
This list
isn’t all encompassing. There are other things to look for but these are the
key elements I’m looking to hone. These are the things I’ve been working to
perfect in my manuscript. I’ll dive into each area in depth in the coming
weeks. Stay tuned.
Have a great
day. Read a book and smile!